Farewell Austin!

February twenty-nine, two thousand sixteen. Leap Day. I sit here on the floor of this empty apartment, tears wandering their way down my cheeks. Looking around nostalgically, I visualize where everything once was. Where my pictures from far off lands once hung, where my coffee table, couch, chair, lamps, tv, where it all once was, but is now no longer. Fuck. This is real. I’d fantasized of this moment for so long. Years. And… it’s here. You read of folks doing as I am doing, getting rid of their belongings and becoming nomads. It’s always so glamorous, but they, however, seem to leave out this one part. How heart wrenchingly sad it is. Saying goodbye to Austin is definitely one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. When I moved here 4 years ago, I knew a grand total of 3 people. In that 4 years, it’s unbelievable the number of amazing people who have let me into their lives and became my friends. The friends that I have made here are some of the best I’ve ever had and it’s pretty tough knowing that I won’t see them for many years. I can’t thank y’all enough for making Austin such an incredible experience. Y’all mean the world to me and I will miss you more than words can describe.

Now, amongst all this sappy sadness, there lies… excitement. Undeniable excitement. I’m about to embark on the most incredible journey of my life and I couldn’t be more ecstatic. So let’s set aside this somber mood and get on to the fun stuff! Here’s the general order of events for the next couple months. Today I start the long drive to Northwest Indiana, about 16 hours total, where my parents live. I’ll be hanging out there for about two and half weeks seeing old friends and enjoying time with my family before I’m off and away. From there, I’ll be joining my rock climbing friends for one last hurrah on a week long climbing trip to the fantastic Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Arkansas. After that, I’ll be headed up to New York City for about 10 days before I hop on an airplane to Oslo, Norway, my first major destination. That’s about as much as I have planned. I’ll figure out the rest as I go.

Alright, I’m about out of time for writing. I really need to hop into this fully packed car, turn on my favorite Austin area band, Wild Child, and hit the road.

It’s been a magical 4 years. I’m gonna miss y’all a lot.

Farewell for now Austin!


  1. Good luck Gavin!!!! Hope you have an amazing journey filled with awesome experiences. Keep us updated with tons of pics.

  2. Thanks for always being an inspiration, Gavin. I’m looking forward to seeing more 🙂

  3. Have a great trip buddy. The past 3 years we’ve known you have been awesome. You’re a really great friend to our family and will always have a place to stay when you’re in the area.

    Take it easy RayRay.

  4. May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face, and may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

  5. I walk by your desk sometimes and it reminds me of you. Hope you take care out there and enjoy it!

  6. Safe travels Gavin, look forward to seeing more trip updates and pictures. I’d highly suggest getting a GoPro to videography the entire Adventure!

    I can suggest a few Youtube channels to watch and see what I mean.

  7. Hey Gavin! We have a friend who has been doing much the same thing as you will be doing! His journey began nearly a year ago after his retirement! He works from his car, phone and airb&b’s mostly. He is having a blast! He has spent time with us on 3 occasions this winter while we have been in the Southwest as he has been crisscrossing the country. So your friends and family will be closer than you think! Have an awesome time, can’t wait to see what’s next!!!

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